The Valencia - 120 Cigar Humidor
The Valencia - 120 Cigar Humidor
Introducing The Valencia, an embodiment of elegance and functionality in the realm of cigar preservation. Finished in a stunning golden cherry, this humidor captivates with its lustrous appeal and sophisticated design, tailored to the aficionado who appreciates the finer details in cigar care. The Valencia is meticulously crafted to hold up to 120 cigars, ensuring ample space for both burgeoning collections and prized selections.
The humidor's exterior is graced with beveled glass top and front panes, offering a window to the treasures within while enhancing the humidor's aesthetic charm. This feature not only serves as a visual delight but also allows for easy viewing of your collection without disturbing the carefully maintained internal environment.
Lined with Spanish cedar, known for its humidity regulation and aromatic properties, The Valencia creates the perfect microclimate for cigar preservation. This natural lining contributes to the maturation of your cigars, enhancing their flavor and aroma over time. The inclusion of a built-in calibration feature in the external hygrometer ensures accurate humidity readings, allowing for precise adjustments to maintain the ideal conditions for your cigars.
Organization and accessibility are at the forefront of The Valencia's design. A removable tray, equipped with two adjustable dividers, offers flexibility in arranging your cigars, making selection and rotation effortless. An additional divider in the lower section further customizes storage options, catering to diverse sizes and collections.
The Valencia is not just about aesthetics and storage; it is designed for security and ease of use. Internal locking channels provide added protection for your collection, safeguarding it from external fluctuations and unauthorized access. Side handles enhance the humidor's portability, making relocation within your home or office seamless.
Included with the humidor is a humidifier, ensuring your cigars are enveloped in the perfect humidity from the moment they are placed inside. The Valencia's dimensions, 14 3/4" W x 9 3/4" D x 7" H, strike the perfect balance between capacity and compactness, making it a versatile choice for any space.
The Valencia humidor stands as a pinnacle of cigar preservation technology, blending functionality with luxurious design. It's not merely a storage solution but a celebration of the cigar smoking tradition, promising to enrich your experience with every cigar it cradles.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Name: Valencia
Finish: Golden Cherry
Capacity: 120 Cigars
Dimensions: 14 3/4" W x 9 3/4" D x 7" H
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