How To Put Out A Cigar: 3 Acceptible Methods

How To Put Out A Cigar: 3 Acceptible Methods

As the evening sun set over the patio, the rich aroma of fine cigars filled the air. It was a relaxed gathering of seasoned cigar aficionados, each savoring their favorite stogie. Among them was a newcomer, eager to learn the art of cigar smoking. He had selected a robusto under the guidance of a more experienced friend, and after a lesson in cutting, toasting, and lighting, he was thoroughly enjoying his first premium cigar experience.

But as the evening progressed and the cigars burned down to the nub, the novice made a rookie mistake. With a decisive motion, he crushed his still-burning cigar into the crystal ashtray. Instantly, a pungent odor filled the air, causing the more seasoned smokers to turn their heads in dismay. The once pleasant atmosphere was tainted by the acrid smell of a violently extinguished cigar.

Although I certainly cast this scene in a dramatic light, this scenario is all too familiar to experienced cigar smokers. It highlights the importance of knowing how to properly put out a cigar to avoid unpleasant odors and preserve the dignity of the smoke.

Letting It Go Out on Its Own

Veteran cigar smokers understand that the best way to extinguish a cigar is to simply let it die a dignified death. When a cigar is nearing its end, the smoker should rest it gently on the ashtray’s stirrup or place it in the ashtray. Without the need for oxygen, the burning cherry will naturally go out on its own.

Fire requires oxygen, and the same applies to the burning end of a cigar. By allowing the cigar to smolder on its own, it will gradually extinguish as the oxygen supply diminishes. This method not only prevents the release of harsh, foul-smelling odors but also respects the craftsmanship of the cigar.

Using a Cigar Snuffer

For those who have a penchant for cigar accessories, a cigar snuffer is a stylish and effective tool for extinguishing cigars. Resembling a small candle holder, a cigar snuffer works by standing the cigar inside with the cherry end down. This position deprives the burning end of oxygen, snuffing out the flame naturally and efficiently.

Cigar snuffers were more commonly used in the past but remain a valuable accessory for those who appreciate a clean and dignified way to end their cigar experience. They ensure the cigar goes out without any harsh odors or unnecessary mess.

Using Liquid to Extinguish a Cigar

There are times when a cigar must be extinguished quickly, and neither allowing it to smolder nor using a snuffer is an option. In such cases, liquids can be used to put out the cigar effectively. Dunking the burning end into a container of liquid will snuff it out immediately. If you're outdoors and don't have a liquid container handy, a small puddle of saliva can suffice in a pinch.

However, it’s important to exercise caution with this method. While effective, it can be messy and is not the most dignified way to end your cigar experience. Always dispose of the extinguished cigar properly to avoid littering and potential fire hazards.

Avoid Stubbing It Out

As you've probably gathered by now, there is a correct way of putting out a cigar. One critical piece of advice for all cigar smokers, especially those new to the hobby, is to avoid stubbing out a cigar like a cigarette. Crushing a burning cigar not only releases unpleasant odors but also disrespects the quality and craftsmanship of the cigar. Simply put: it's poor etiquette.

Stubbing out a cigar can lead to a harsh smell that lingers in the air, disrupting the relaxing environment typically associated with cigar smoking. Instead, let the cigar extinguish naturally or use one of the aforementioned methods. And please, do not place a half smoked cigar back into your desktop humidor.


Properly extinguishing a cigar is an essential aspect of cigar smoking etiquette. By allowing the cigar to go out on its own, using a cigar snuffer, or utilizing liquid in a pinch, you can avoid unpleasant odors and maintain the dignity of your smoking experience. Remember, never stub out a cigar like a cigarette. Your fellow smokers, and your nose, will thank you for it.

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