How to Hold a Cigar in Your Mouth

How to Hold a Cigar in Your Mouth

Holding a cigar in your mouth might seem like the most basic part of smoking one, but it can actually make or break your cigar-smoking experience. Whether you’re new to the world of cigars or simply want to perfect your technique, understanding how to properly hold a cigar in your mouth can elevate your enjoyment. Let’s break down the best methods and some common mistakes to avoid, so you can puff like a seasoned aficionado.

The Importance of Proper Cigar Holding

At first glance, you might think holding a cigar is straightforward: just pop it in your mouth and go. However, improper technique can lead to a ruined cigar, a bitter taste, and even a few raised eyebrows at the cigar lounge. Properly holding a cigar not only preserves its structure but also enhances your overall smoking experience by maintaining the flavor and draw.

Whether you're lounging with friends or unwinding solo, knowing how to hold a cigar correctly is key to looking like you know what you're doing—and avoiding looking like you’re chewing on a stick of beef jerky.

How to Hold a Cigar in Your Mouth

When holding a cigar in your mouth, the key is to strike a balance between control and gentleness. First, gently rest the cigar between your lips—your lips should create a seal around the cigar, but there’s no need to bite down or apply excessive pressure. About an inch or two of the cigar should be placed into your mouth, just enough to allow for a proper draw. The lips should form a light, relaxed grip around the cigar’s head, making it easy to puff without straining the cigar or damaging its wrapper.

It's important to note that while the cigar is in your mouth, your hand plays a crucial supporting role. You should alternate between holding the cigar in your mouth for short periods and keeping it in your hand. This prevents the cigar from becoming saturated with saliva and reduces the temptation to clench it between your teeth. Holding the cigar with your hand also allows you to control the burn and keep the ash even. Proper technique means bringing the cigar to your mouth only when you’re ready to take a puff, and then letting it rest in your hand or an ashtray between draws.

Use Your Lips, Not Your Teeth

Your lips should be doing most of the work when it comes to holding the cigar. Gently press your lips around the cigar, creating enough of a seal to allow for an easy draw. Biting down with your teeth, even lightly, can cause the wrapper to crack, compromising the entire cigar. No one wants to be that person picking tobacco flakes out of their mouth. And please, no chewing on your cigar.

Don't Stick Half The Cigar In Your Mouth

This is where many novices go wrong. You only need to place about an inch or two of the cigar into your mouth. Pushing half the cigar into your mouth not only looks odd but also affects the taste. The tobacco in the foot of the cigar is meant to burn, not be slobbered on.

Rotate the Cigar for an Even Smoke

While smoking, gently rotate the cigar to ensure even burning and prevent one side from becoming too saturated with saliva. If one side gets too wet, you’ll end up with a difficult draw, and the cigar may not burn properly.

Don't Talk With A Cigar In Your Mouth

This might look slick in movies, but in real life, speaking with a cigar in your mouth can result in awkward, mumbled speech and, worse, excess saliva soaking the end of your stogie. If you need to talk, take the cigar out of your mouth.

Don't Smoke It Down Too Far

When smoking a cigar, it’s tempting to enjoy it right down to the very end, but there's a point where it's best to put it down. Smoking a cigar too far down can lead to a hot, bitter experience as the heat intensifies and flavors become harsh. As you near the last inch of the cigar, you’ll likely notice a significant change in taste due to the accumulated tar and nicotine. This shift in flavor is often unpleasant and can ruin the overall enjoyment of the cigar.

In addition to the harsh flavors, trying to smoke the very end of a cigar can also be uncomfortable and risky. As the cigar shortens, it becomes difficult to hold without burning your fingers or even your lips. Many seasoned smokers recommend leaving about an inch of the cigar unsmoked, as this allows you to finish on a high note without risking a burnt wrapper or a singed mustache​.

In Conclusion

When it comes to smoking cigars, style and technique go hand in hand. Learning how to hold a cigar properly in your mouth is part of the art of cigar smoking. The goal is to enjoy every puff without damaging your cigar or looking like you’re about to devour it. Follow these tips, keep your cool, and before you know it, you’ll be holding your cigar with the poise of a seasoned aficionado. Just remember, holding a cigar is a bit like holding onto life itself—firm but not too tight, relaxed but not too careless. You want to enjoy it, not crush it.

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