As a cigar aficionado, you take pride in the craftsmanship and quality of your cigars. From the precise rolling of the tobacco leaves to the careful aging process, each cigar represents a labor of love. So why would you want to ruin all that hard work by chewing on your cigar? Sure, it might seem like a harmless habit, but in reality, chewing on a cigar can turn a pleasurable experience into a frustrating mess. In this article, we’ll explore why chewing on cigars is a big no-no and why you should avoid it at all costs.
Cracked Wrappers: The Downfall of Your Smoke
One of the first casualties of chewing on a cigar is the wrapper. The wrapper is not just for looks; it plays a crucial role in how the cigar burns and tastes. When you chew on a cigar, the pressure can cause the wrapper to crack, which compromises the entire smoking experience. A cracked wrapper will start to unravel, leaving you with a cigar that smokes unevenly or not at all. The delicate balance of the cigar is disrupted, and what should have been a smooth, enjoyable smoke becomes a frustrating battle with loose tobacco and a faulty burn.
The Unpleasant Experience of Tobacco in Your Mouth
Let’s face it—nobody wants a mouthful of shredded tobacco. When you chew on a cigar, that’s exactly what you’ll get. The filler tobacco inside the cigar isn’t meant to be chewed on; it’s meant to burn slowly and evenly, releasing its flavors over time. But when you start gnawing on your cigar, you’re more likely to end up with bits of tobacco in your mouth than in a satisfying smoke. This not only makes it difficult to enjoy the flavors of the cigar, but it also makes it hard to talk, laugh, or do anything other than pick tobacco out of your teeth.
Destroying the Cigar's Construction
Cigars are meticulously crafted to provide a specific draw and burn. Chewing on a cigar disrupts this careful construction, leading to a poor draw and an uneven burn. The cigar may become too loose or too tight, making it difficult to smoke. This ruins the entire purpose of the craftsmanship and the time that went into making the cigar. A poorly constructed cigar is a waste of good tobacco and your hard-earned money.
The Mess Factor: Shredded Tobacco Everywhere
Chewing on a cigar doesn’t just mess up the smoke—it makes a literal mess, too. As the wrapper unravels and the filler tobacco loosens, you’ll find bits of tobacco everywhere: in the ashtray, on your lap, and all over your clothes. It’s a hassle to clean up, and it detracts from the relaxing experience that smoking a cigar is supposed to be. No one wants to deal with the aftermath of shredded tobacco scattered around their smoking area.
It’s Just Plain Rude
Let’s not forget the social aspect of cigar smoking: others will generally expect you to use proper cigar etiquette. Whether you’re in a cigar lounge or sharing a smoke with friends, chewing on a cigar is just plain rude. No one wants to watch you gnaw on a saliva-soaked stogie, especially when you’re setting it down in a community ashtray. It’s unappealing and unsanitary, and it can quickly kill the vibe of a nice smoke session. Cigar smoking is a social ritual that deserves respect, so keep your cigars intact and enjoy them as they were meant to be enjoyed.
Conclusion: Respect the Craft
No, you should not chew on cigars. Chewing can cause the wrapper to crack, leading to an uneven burn and a poor smoking experience. It also results in shredded tobacco in your mouth, ruins the cigar’s construction, and is generally unpleasant and unsanitary.