Michael Jordan, an iconic name in basketball, is just as renowned in the cigar world as he is on the court. His passion for cigars extends far beyond casual smoking—it's a ritual, a lifestyle, and a statement. In this article, we’ll explore Jordan's love for cigars, his favorite choices, and how he has influenced the cigar community.
A Love for Cigars: From Courtside to Leisure
Michael Jordan’s cigar journey began in 1991 after winning his first NBA championship. Celebrating with a cigar became part of his post-victory ritual. Over time, smoking evolved into a daily habit, a way to unwind from the pressures of his career and life. During his time with the Chicago Bulls, Jordan would often light up a cigar during long drives to home games, finding the experience both calming and mentally preparatory.
His preference for cigars extended well into his post-basketball career, especially on the golf course, where cigars became as much a part of his routine as a putter. Even today, Jordan is known to smoke up to six cigars a day. For him, the process of enjoying a fine cigar is deeply intertwined with relaxation, focus, and luxury—both during his prime basketball years and now in his retirement.
His Favorite Cigars: Cuban Classics
Michael Jordan’s favorite cigar is the Partagas Lusitania, a Cuban double corona renowned for its rich and balanced flavor. The Lusitania is a large cigar that offers an extended, slow-burning experience, something Jordan appreciates during his lengthy smoke sessions. Its complex flavors of earth, spice, and cedar align with his refined palate and love for bold cigars.
However, the Partagas Lusitania is not the only cigar in his rotation. Jordan has also shown a penchant for other Cuban brands, particularly Cohiba and Hoyo de Monterrey. The Cohiba is often associated with Cuban excellence, offering full-bodied flavors and smooth smoke, while Hoyo de Monterrey brings a lighter, more nuanced taste to the table. These Cuban cigars are highly sought after and reflect Jordan’s preference for luxury and quality in all aspects of life.
Impact on Cigar Culture
Michael Jordan's influence on cigar culture cannot be overstated. As one of the most recognizable figures in the world, his love for cigars has given the hobby a level of exposure few could have predicted. Whether he’s seen on the golf course with a stogie or gracing the cover of a magazine with a cigar in hand, Jordan has contributed to the normalization of cigar smoking as a symbol of success and relaxation.
Cigars were once seen as something reserved for specific social circles—business elites, politicians, or older gentlemen. But Jordan made cigars seem accessible and cool, especially to sports fans and younger generations. His presence in the cigar community helped to elevate the image of cigars as a luxurious, aspirational indulgence, one that signified not just wealth, but personal achievement.
Cigar lounges and aficionados across the globe have felt his influence, with many adopting Jordan’s approach to cigar smoking as a social, celebratory experience. By embracing cigars so publicly, Jordan has helped bridge the gap between cigar connoisseurs and casual smokers, allowing the culture to thrive and expand.
Wrapping Up
Michael Jordan’s relationship with cigars is as iconic as his legendary status in basketball. His passion for cigars, particularly Cuban favorites like Partagas Lusitania, is well-documented, and his influence has significantly impacted cigar culture around the world. From his early days as an NBA champion to his retirement life, cigars have been a constant in Jordan’s journey—symbolizing relaxation, reflection, and the finer things in life. Jordan didn’t just smoke cigars; he made them part of his identity, leaving an indelible mark on both the sports and cigar worlds.