The Manchester - 250 Cigar Humidor
The Manchester - 250 Cigar Humidor
The Manchester stands as a modern marvel in cigar preservation, combining a sophisticated matte black finish with the clarity of a frameless glass door. This humidor, measuring 16" W x 16" D x 27" H, is designed to offer a contemporary upright display for up to 250 cigars, making it a perfect fit for those seeking a stylish yet compact storage solution. Inside, four large removable cedar drawers, equipped with acrylic facades, provide optimal viewing and easy access to your cigars. The drawers are complemented by four adjustable dividers, allowing for customizable organization tailored to your collection's specific needs.
Equipped with four large humidifiers, The Manchester ensures your cigars are maintained in the ideal humidity range, essential for their preservation and aging. An external silver frame black face hygrometer allows for easy monitoring of the internal conditions, ensuring your cigars remain in perfect condition. The convenience extends to maintenance as well, with a handy electric wire port located at the rear of the unit, facilitating the use of electronic humidification systems without compromising the humidor's aesthetic appeal.
Chrome-plated hardware adds a touch of elegance to the humidor's modern design, further secured by a lock and key set for peace of mind. For those desiring even greater accessibility, The Manchester offers an optional 360-degree rotating base, allowing you to spin the display and easily access your cigars from any angle. This model comes without the base, but if you are interested in this custom option, please contact us by email and we will be happy to assist you with this purchase!
Additional Information
Additional Information
Name: Manchester
Finish: Black
Capacity: 250 Cigars
Dimensions: 16" W x 16" D x 27" H
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Currently, we only ship within the United States. We utilize UPS and the U.S. Postal Service for most of our orders, while oversized merchandise and large size orders are dispatched via freight carrier. We are pleased to offer free shipping within the U.S. for orders $75 and up, ensuring a seamless and cost-effective shopping experience for our customers. For more information regarding our shipping times and returns process, please visit our Shipping Policy and our Refund & Returns Policy.
Warranty Information
Warranty Information
Depending on the item, your purchase could be eligible for a 1-year, 2-year, limited lifetime, or lifetime warranty. Please see our warranty policy for more information. Unlike other stores, we will file these claims for you and keep you informed every step of the way! Please reach out through our contact form or email us if you need further assistance.